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What does this status mean?
What does this status mean? Initial Statuses REC - Received Work order has been entered, but not yet dispatched to a vendor. PDISAP - Pending Dispatch Approval For clients who have Dispatch Approval process turned on. Work order has been received ...
Invoicing on fmPilot 2
Once you log in, the first page is your Vendor Directory, under Clients click the Client name you need to invoice for Then click on the work order number you want to work on To invoice your work order must be in PVINV- Pending Vendor Invoice ...
Quoting on fmPilot 2
If the technician finds additional work is needed or the DNE is not enough to cover the cost of the job, you will submit a quote in the system. after you log in, you will be brought to your Vendor Directory, under Client click on the Client you ...
Work Order Status Flow Chart